Friday, May 25, 2012

Citrawarna Malaysia 2012

我们大家用了一个星期++的时间来排练了我们的舞蹈for 5月19号 的 Citrawarna Malaysia.
而且我足足一个星期++不够睡 ><  排舞排到晚上... 回到家又很夜,然后第二点早上又要一大清早起床到学院去 >< 天啊~~ 有够累的.....
举办当天,我们大家都带了非常兴奋的表情去表演 ^w^ 
最搞笑的就是每当有人拿着相机对着我们的时候,我们全部人就冲着出去抢镜头 ^^
Finale 过后, 整个场面就变得像clubbing一样~ 大家都带着非常开心的笑容, 然后我们全部一个接一个的玩火车冲到stage的中间去~ 哈哈哈哈哈~ 当天我们都有够疯狂的 xD 
每当烟花射到天上时, 我们大家都鬼叫那样 xD 够傻B!    当然也不会忘了在最后那一刻,大家跟一位马来歌手一起唱了 "Someone Like You - Adele" ^^ 
那天真的非常的高兴 ^^ 

最高兴的.... 还是当天能够见到你,和你那意外的到来  =)

Saturday, May 5, 2012


我.... 我对你的感觉是什么时候变得那么的随便了????
也许......... 是因为习惯了你对我的冷淡... 而让我不再对你有任何的期望..
我更害怕的去想我们的关系... 因为我知道一直都是我一相情愿.....
昨晚听见你已经有了男友....... 当我知道后, 心情真的很低落...... 甚至上想大大声的哭出来...
只要你能够开心........ 我就无所谓.. 说过的等待你和不再找别人... 我就会这样继续下去... 只是.. 想证明我是真心的爱你....而且我也对我身边的人完全不感兴趣.. 因为我的心早已把你给填满了..

这是我送你的情侣颈联..... 也是你的21岁生日礼物... 其实能够跟你度过21岁生日.. 我已经是很开心了..虽然没有什么特别..... 我.... 可是每天都带着它在我的劲上,是因为我还在等待你.. 爱你...我也在等待着你会带上我送你的这条颈联....... 我爱你.....
也希望你和你现在的男友能够好好相处.......... 祝你们幸福... =')

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


原本说好劳动节我们大家一起到Shah Alam去踏脚车...
因为人数太多而不够车, 而且我也在忙着做我的assignment.. 所以打算迟点再打算...
下午时,很意外的阿尧和爱玲说他们可以驾车载人... 所以问题解决好了.. 可是我还在做assignment的关系.. 所以没有立刻告诉启进和高佬知道..
谁知晚上的时候启进和高佬都决定延迟了... 然后也告诉我要延迟..... 
而且刚刚也搞到乱七八糟的... 这个又吵着要去, 那个又不爽这个又不爽, 等下这个又问zomok改期.. 原本想迁就爱玲明天照出的.... 然后我就答应了她.. 过后我又打给美娴跟她说我们照样有出..
启进又突然打来问我ok没有, 我就告诉他没关系我们照样出, 可是他又说明天不要再出了, 让大家情绪稳定后星期日再出...
真的耍到我团团转.... 最不明白为什么他们会为了这样的小事来吵... 唉.. 终于明白为什么Desa会要选择离开和觉得很烦....

刚刚父母又为了我而吵... 这个又不得空那个有不得空... 最衰就是爸爸不给我自己驾车..
如果可以自己驾车的话我根本就不需要烦到他们载我去print我的assignment.. 唉...
不明白为什么爸爸总是为了小事情而吵架... 妈妈又是,我好好跟她讲她又不喜欢, 给爸爸骂的时候又脸臭臭不开心... 看到都不懂怎样... 每次都是这样...

最不开心的.... 还是你... 一直都在忙的.. 而且你现在也在考试的期间..
你也没什么找我和理我... 真的很不开心......
说好了一起看Titanic.... 过了那么久.. 看样子都是看不成的了... 
没关系啦... 我也没期待什么.. 我只要求你对我少许的问候和温柔救助够了... =)
可以的话.. 我想时光倒流回去还在一起的我们...

Monday, April 16, 2012


你说okok , 而且还对我说你现在都是不得空..要等到5月12日后才得空..
而且还抱住你... 他还对我说,他对你有好感....
想哭.. 都在想我到底应不应该哭...

因为都是我错在先.... 这些只不过是小事...

Monday, April 9, 2012


我还爱你的这个事实... 转眼间就4年了..
4年里,我都找人代替你的位子... 我也知道我过分了.....
生命里也多了那么多个ex.. 我也知道是我不对..
4年里也发生了很多事... 我也不断的改变着,但我的心对你没变过,我还依然爱你.....
但是.... 我们以前在一起的感觉... 多多少少我都还记得.... =)
我不想再找人代替你的位子了... 我现在只想好好的爱你和等待你..
就算外面有比你更好的... 他们都不是你.. 因为我爱的就是你的本人... 而不是其他人..
而且.. 你也认识很多P... 我相信4年里你肯定也发生了很多事情吧.......
你要跟谁交朋友.. 要做什么东西都好.. 我都无法阻止你.. 因为都是你的自由 =)
当然... 吃醋和伤心之类的.. 少许也一定会有,但我也不曾怪你... 因为我是真心想要你开心... =)
4年了,我们终于有一张合照了... 我真的很开心... 每当我看着我们的合照.. 我就会傻笑起来了...  ^^

说真的..都过了4年了... 我还是不了解你...
最让我记得的,就是你曾对我的温柔 =)
所以不管你做什么和说什么.... 我都会去相信你 =)
因为我真的还爱着你... 虽然我们没什么话题... 但只要能够靠近你的身边,我就很高心了 ^^

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


小时候因为调皮,而跌伤了腰.. ><
跌伤了,我却没告诉爸妈... 因为我调皮做坏事所以不敢告诉他们 =X
但结果还是被爸爸发现我跌伤了, 然后就拿铁打酒帮我搽...那时候搽到我真的哭到很厉害 >< 因为很痛
就因为弄伤了腰... 所以时常驼背 :(
就这样痛也痛了十多年 ><

不知怎么最近特别痛...今天早上搭LRT上课时... 腰突然间很痛! 忍着忍着...
痛到去Hang Tuah LRT Station , 我马上离开火车和Station.. 因为痛到我眼泪也流了出来 ><
最近这几天也是这样... 突然间很痛... 然后一阵子又okay回..
可能是因为站太久或坐太久吧... :(

其实去年告诉过爸妈我想看医生.... 他们的第一个反应就是说"那么小就这里痛那里痛"
就因为他们每次都这样... 所以我现在什么病痛都不告诉他们.. 因为我觉得就算告诉了他们也是多余的....
腰痛这个事实就不能改变了.... 只是最近特别痛 ><

Monday, April 2, 2012


现在的我...真不晓得到底要怎样... 心情越来越失落......
无时无刻都在想你... 找你聊天时你就说你忙... 大多数都是聊到一半你就不回复我了...
你说你忙..但是却有时间去post拍照和reply人家的comment也不理会我... 我真的搞不懂你..
 4年了... 我都对你还有感觉...最近对你的感觉越来越强烈....
也很感谢你愿意让我陪你过你的生日... 当天我也提出了要跟你在回一起..
可你却拒绝了平且说"你暂时不想被人绑住".. 而且我也送了你情侣颈联...
直到了我们再一起出来唱K的那天... 我带上了那情侣颈联...
当时我真的不懂该怎么回答你... 我真的不懂你到底要怎样... 时热时冷的... 我真的很乱很矛盾...
我知道你一直以来都是很忙.... 我能够谅解...
可是你能给我少少的温柔和问候吗?? 我每天都在等着你的主动... 但是你都没有找我...
结果还是自己不耐心的去找你.. 但找了你还是一样... 没什么理会我... 也对我冷冷的....

现在的我越来越奇怪..... 变得很静去.. 也没什么理会朋友.. 平时很开朗的我也变得很沉默了...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

最近我都比较静.... 也没跟朋友聊多几句..
而且近来也一直跟老爸学驾车,驾的还ok啦 ,只是parking比较差..
然后考试也快要到了... 又要赶C&G的Port Folio...
啊啦啦啦~ 我只想要简简单单的生活

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Buffet at Kinky's House

Last night went to Kinky's house for buffet. ^^ Eat until so full, thank you for entertaining us and keep taking foods to us. We also feel so paiseh>< hehe...
We chit-chat after we eat, suddenly Kinky say let's go to Genting Highland now and she is serious lol. But too late already >< so we change to go watch Movie. Then we decided to go to SPARK for watching Movie. =D Well.... of course after finish the movie, we all went back home :D hehe..
Thank you Kinky for the buffet last night ^^ 1st time eat buffet until so full... hehe

Monday, February 27, 2012


原来痛恨一个曾经喜欢过的人... 是那么的累和伤心....
但是..我想你也应该没有打算跟我好回吧.. :)
也无所谓啦.... 我只是想让我自己好过点,所以才不再恨你 :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dearest MkBB

well........ seems like the most close friends in ma life is MkBB :)
I love them sooo much!! Yeah, we're just like siblings.. although I doesn't have any sibling but when I am together with them, I feel that we're just like brothers and sisters.. haha.... cool right?
Of course not very close with all of them... but at least the half of them :D

Errrr... what doest MkBB means? :P
actually there are 2 gang of us, which is Mk Team and BBclan
Mk Team means Mangkuk Team
BBclan means Babi Betul clan

The reason we formed MkBB is because we went to Genting Highland during 2011 CNY, and we had a lot of FUN!! SERIOUSLY FUN AND HAPPY!!! =D And I wish to continue this happy moment so I suggested BBclan and Mk Team to combine, so it works and became MkBB! Yeah,is very happy when I am together with them. :)

MkBB means a lot to me.. and I love them so much!!!
Okay!! seriously how many of you have a lot of close friends in a gang which is more than 30 people!! :P
We manage to be a gang is because we treasure , tolerance each other. Ya, sometimes we do argue too. LOL!! (damn it -.-)
we argue is because some of us is being selfish and stubborn minded,cause they don't even care bout the others, what they think and do is just for themselves.

Hmm... this is all I can say! MkBB I love you very very very very much :P

And the people in the world!! Treasure your friends :) Cause they might spend their life to be happy together with you.. WE are not ALONE!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

MkBB , Sunway Lagoon 一日游

2012年 1月 29日

跟我最亲密的朋友们 "MkBB" 一起去SunwayLagoon ^^
每次出发前都一定要等那些"大牌"的人... 因为我早就预算了她们会迟到 ==
就算提早了...他们还是一样迟到..非常够力.. 弄到全部人都不爽......
不过当她们到了过后~什么爽不爽也没有了~吃了早餐后就出发~ =D
恐怖的是,驾车的那几个"十下十下".. 很吓人!!!
到了过后我就跟全部人拿IC和钱~~ 算钱的时候尽然少了RM20 ><
因为我找错钱了 T___T 不过很感谢Jay哥愿意牺牲来多付RM20
进场后,大家忘不了的就是一起拍照!! xDDDD
之后我们就过大桥,找locker~~ 全部放完东西了... 就很像5年没吃东西的老虎一样冲去水中玩 ^^
玩着玩着 >< 到2:30+全部都肚子饿了~~ 我们就去买东西吃~ 那边的东西贵到~~~~~~
填满肚子了~ 大家就继续旅程了~ xDD 玩玩玩... 玩到6:30才肯去冲凉 :)
大家搞定后,就去看照片和买下来 ^^
当然我们也不会少了一起吃晚餐 =D 就是热滚滚的自助火锅 ^^
不知哪位先生去买鱼生回来捞~ 而且....我们全部都捞到呱呱叫 >< 很鱼咯!! 全部人都看过来!!
哈哈哈~ 然后我就大大声喊干杯,我的朋友们也跟着来喊干杯 xD 有够疯的!
吃到很饱很饱后,大家又要离开了... 又要回到所谓的现实生活... 因为开心的时间过的很快~
不过真的跟大家玩得很开心 ^____^

MkBB... 友情永世不变!! =D

Saturday, January 28, 2012


可能单身久了... 真的很希望会有个人来疼爱我....(最好是你咯)
但我最近才发现,原来是不可以的..... 所谓的自己疼爱自己只不过是安慰自己的说法...

这个世界就是那么的不公平... 也许我真的不能得到所谓的真爱.......
单身的日子还要过多久呀...... 唉~

Friday, January 20, 2012


朋友....再多好的朋友.. 他们都一定会有说你坏话的时候...
我的朋友的确很多.... 但是真心的朋友不出两个..... 也可以说一个也没有....
其实我什么都不是... 只是个临时的朋友... 也就是有事才找你,没事就不理你。
说实话... 有时候我身边的朋友总是爱说别人是非...
对我而言.. 你不犯我,我不犯人。只要你没乱吠我,我都不会怎样...脾气..也不会常有...
可能我真的觉得生活得太累了吧.... 我也讨厌麻烦的事情... 所以我很随便.. 不会觉得麻烦就可以了....心里真的觉得太累了...脸上的开心面具也慢慢地裂了..真的很想找个依靠..让我好好的休息...和被疼..

话说回来,你总是说"你不知道“。就因为你的一句"不知道"...不断地让我发白日梦....不可能跟你发生的事也可以幻想出来... 因为以前的创伤... 我再也不会要求及期待任何东西了... 因为我真的太怕心里的疼痛感觉.... 虽然有时候你的甜言蜜语让我很开心,但对不起,心里真的受过太多的伤.. 就因为4年前的你把我的手给放开... 我的心在外面不断的被刺伤和被破碎。但也要感谢你,因为你的放手...让我懂得什么叫做为他人着想,珍惜,开朗和不再乱发脾气.... :)

累了.....真的累了.. 要是能有个依靠就好了..
可以让我好好的休息...和给我少许的希望...... 我就会觉得很幸福了...

Sunday, December 11, 2011


不知不觉... 一个sem又过了
试也考完了~ 而且现在也放假了..... 闷到~~
说实话... 在这间学校..我认识的朋友也超多的....
我也变了不少哦... :)
在中学建立了 MkBB...
在大学也建立了KNNBB哦 xD
跟大学的朋友关系也不错哦~ 哈哈...

除了某位先生... 讨厌到死... 不过也罢... 那种人做不做朋友都没关系.....
做了那么多东西竟然说"this is a mistake"
还每次在别人面前装可怜和创假故事... 还很喜欢做小人 -,-
哦算了... 说到这个人就心情不好.. 哈哈

在过多一个sem.. 我就毕业了.... 哈哈
时间还过得真快呀... :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


刚看见我的朋友... 他们是一对情侣...
吵架吵得很厉害和流泪.. 而且他们的起因都跟以前的我和你很相像...
在你不舒服和不开心的时候我可以在你身边好好的照顾你,疼爱你 和 爱惜你

Friday, September 30, 2011

Boring and Tired

Feel nothing much to write recently..
Just feel so freaking tired in this semester -w-
And things are getting worst.... feel sad in this college

Friday, June 24, 2011

最近... 都很烦....
烦功课.. 烦考试..烦朋友... 烦家人..烦下个semester的课程怎样...

我...希望可以躺在某人的肩旁.... 被疼爱.. 被照顾.....
我...很久没有那种感觉了.... 自己知道自己事.....
我只需要足够的休息... 少给我麻烦... 我就够了.....

Friday, June 17, 2011

Kisiao Assignments

Walaoooo...... just finish my assignment! OH MY GOSH!!!
Damn kisiao la weihhhh!! ><
Used 4days for rushing 2 assignments... Pastry and Food Comm..
and just now accidently delete my Food Comm Presentation files!! OH MY GOSH!!
I was very mad and feel so fuck up!!!!! ISHHH!!!
lucky Max Goh intro me the software which can retrieve the files...
have to go print it in college tomorrow.... and submit....
have to go binding some more.. T.T


Sunday, May 29, 2011


It's been a while we never meet each other....
and yet.. we've date to go to DesaPetaling for Steamboat..
(for friends gathering... well just some of us.. not many -,-)

When I reach and the 1st moment I meet them...
I feels like... normal.. don't really feels anything...
Then I sit down... and quite.... very quite...
they have their jokes.. and they laughing... but..
I don't feel it is funny... I am still quite.. I don't even showing my expression... ==
and.. some of them are keep saying bad words....
and I keep thinking in my heart (Gosh!! Can't you just stop saying bad words?)
I feels very speechless when I'm with them.. but...
they are still like the old one... and I... changed?
Don't know... I just want to keep on the path I'm going... I don't wish to be the old me...
All I want.. is to improve!!

Monday, May 9, 2011


This is the 3 or 4 weeks in College...
I felt I've totally became another person...
The way I think... is start from Positive way.. not Negative from the start anymore...
The way I talk.. hmm.. although is not really changed.. but still improved a bit.. =D
The way I study.. is not lazy like before anymore..
I'm even forcing my self to study for the WHOLE MIDNIGHT!!

I'm seriously sooooooooo tiring!
Even I don't have class.. but I'm still going to College.. Cause it's so happy to be there.. You will know when you are study there... It's a very happy place for all humanity.

Love my college..
Love my colleagues....

I have to hard working to improves my self...
I want to be a very good life in future... I want to change!!! change change change!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

No turning BACK!!!

When I'm with my gangs..
I felt that I'm the greatest among my gangs... (MkBB)

But after I stepped my 1st step in my College Life...
And I felt that I'm just nothing....
I felt so lonely to walk this path...

"Panda" is the one who guide me to this path....
But he's not walking with me... Yet I felt so much stress and sadness....
They are speaking well in English... So self-abased....

Fortunately... I met those colleagues which is able to communicate to...
and the unfortunately,
I've been separated in group with those peoples which is unable to communicate..
The way they talk and the way they jokes... I'm totally doesn't feel interested ==

I've been cried over and over again...
Cause I really felt so suffer to walk this path..
And my parents.... I know they had been stressed for my study fees...
I love you.. mom dad... sorry....
And so I want to get a good result to repay them... I need to work hard in this path....
And there is no turning BACK!!!
I have to keep going...... ='(

Friday, April 15, 2011

Orientation Days

1st Day-
-Feels a little nervous when I'm there... for alone..
-Knew some friends..
-Nervous when Taking the English Test (Listening , Writing)
-Joined a group , Flickr. We're having almost 13 people +..
-Was having fun but I'm not really enjoying.

2nd Day -
-Knew MORE friends. =D
-Nervous when taking the English Test 2. (Speaking & Reading)
-Having fun and enjoy.
-Seriously TIRED!! LOL!!

3rd Day-
-Knew More and More friends...~~
-Feels happy when I've know my English level was in I level~
(But not really feels happy cause I've not good in my Grammar,Writing and Speaking)
-Know where's my class and managed my C&G time tables although I'm the only one with C&G
-Not really know what's our Drama about.. anyway we've did it lol?
-I've joined the Bowling Club~ =D
-Enjoyed and FUN!!
-Love my Colleague!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I've changed... a little? or perhaps I've changed a lot?
My mind.... and the way I think are different from before..

Thanks to those who keep on support me and teaching me... =D

Seriously,I need to change much more better...
And from now on... I have to :
-Give a try to everything in my life and stop acting like a retarded / coward
-Think to a positive way to anythings / any case
-Improve my knowledge to pretend others by looking down me..

Blah Blah Blah....

Whatever it is~
The only thing I have to do is WORK HARD in my entire LIFE!!

-Buddha Bless-

Saturday, April 9, 2011


It's been awhile...
I'm keep thinking none stop about my "coming ways"
I felt so stress when I'm thinking about it...

Car test..
College life...
November test....
Coming assignments.....

Although it haven't get started...
But I'm still feel so nervous and stress......
I'm afraid I can't handle it...
Somehow, these days I feel chest pain..
Yet I have to take a deep breathe.... (Cause I'm hard to breathe)

Perhaps I'm a little exhausted....
Just need stay empty my mind...
Live my own way.....

-Buddha Bless-

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Old Blog

Just found back my previous blogs...
I felt I so funny and stupid when I'm small.. x3
Here's my previous blogs link... xD

Quiet a lot of memory....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A New Thing I've learn.........

I've just argue with someone nasty(anger from love) in my life....
Made me feels to cry... and I told my friend,Alvin.

He told me......
no point crying
wasting ur time
the best way
don talk to him
let him feel guilty
if he did not realise forget abt it
if he do.
as simple as tat
u have dignity
u must control ur self :)
to prevent others by hurting u

This really the great way he teach me.....
And I've feel much more better....
Really thanks Man... Thanks Alvin..... =)

-Peace Out-

Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Begins

I've put down the things which I have to put......
I've let you go... and put you down... (HELL YEAH!!!)
Well.... everything changed and everyone changed..
Times will not stop for anybody...

Duh!! Start college life soon....
I'm a little nervous.. T______T

Oh ya! Guess What?
I get a NEW PHONE!!! YEEEEEHAAA!! (Thanks Buddha)
Finally I'm able to use a SmartPhone!! LOL!!
I won't feel anymore bored when I'm outside or anywhere!!

Anyway.. As times goes by.....
I just need to change...
and start my Journey... and have a new begins.... =)

-Peace out-

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No ones BIRD me when I'm down

When my friends are moody and down...
I used to accompany them and none stop fooling my self for making they laugh and happy...


Where's my friends when I am moody and down?
They won't spit a single word to cheer me up.. or even care about me...
They just say they are busy.. blah blah blah....
All are just trying to ignore me...

Is true I am no more KID.
But I'm still an ordinary human... Well, HEY! I have sadness too...
Not only you guys have sadness... ALL of us do have feelings!!

Nah!! It's fine..
What I HAVE TO DO!! Is to change my self!!
And YEAH! Stop looking down on me!! (YOU FREAKING BITCH)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Should I just let go of you....?

Recent days....
I don't feels to write about you anymore....
Or treat you good..
Cause I always used to treat you so far so kind and good...
But you just treating me cruel and cruel and crueler......
I feels tired... tired.. and tired....

Even it's not getting any benefits..
But I have no idea why am I still want to doing all goods to you...
(All the way I know is because I'm still love you)

I am really tired.....
I really need a rest...
I had tried my bestest of best on you... and for you....
Sorry if I'm not doing more to you.. Sorry........
Lastly... Hope you get wells all the time...
And the last time........ I love you....

If you feels sad or want to find me...
I am always very welcome!! =)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Memory---001

If I'm not mistaken... that day.. was 2010 September 16th
I wanted to go Sunway Lagoon with my friends.. Yet I asked you but you don't want..
Cause you want to go roller with your friends..
I told you before don't go roller cause I'm not at your side and its dangerous for you...
But you don't hear what I said.....
Until 7pm something.... you SMS told me you hurt your arm bone while roller...
It frightened me until I feel so angry and sad... I was keep worry about you..
So I called you and talk with you..
also I've decided the next day(17th September 2010) want to go to your house... to see you... and take care of you.... as your lover... I must taking good care of you..
Cause I don't wish you will get hurt....
Until the next day I went to your home... and I overnight at your home...
I was keep looking at you... and hugging you... make you feel better...

Well.. the funniest things is.. You can't eat and take things...
But you can play PC and SMS... ==
It really make me so confuse that don't know you pain or not LOL..
but anyhow.. I must take care of you... cause I was deeply loving you..

Although we've break.... I also hope you're okay all the time..
I don't wish you hurt or sad...
If you're unhappy or moody... I hope you will find me....
Cause I really want to take care of you.....

Friday, February 25, 2011


Everything pass...
Valentines.. I still plan to giving you a surprise..
But... seems like you don't like it...
I bought a Giant Teddy Bear... hope you will like it...
When I've told you it was Giant Teddy Bear..
You said... you don't like it.... it disappoint me... but it's okay....
Cause I don't want to show you my emotional anymore.... I just want to feel happy with you..
Until now... You seems like not hopping to contact with me anymore..
Everything just... just like getting far distance from me...
Feel so sorry to you... But you seems like still not believing me....
It's okay.... it's fine.... I'm alright..
I just wish everything bout you will be okay and happy....
It's okay even you're not caring me.. Cause..
I will still worry you and caring you..... as an Ex-Boy Friend...
You know I love you so much..... but.... *sigh* never mind.....
I miss you so much...... I'm seriously love you so deep...
I really wish... 1 day we will together again.....
God.... Please bless him with full holy and peace.. I just want him to be alright all the time....
There is no other reason for me to praying this...
But there is only 1 reason for this... is because I really love you...

Thursday, February 24, 2011


就算是好朋友... 我也不乘说过我的心事...
还记得我们在一起的时候... 我都是一直跟你说我的心事..
因为跟你在一起... 让我觉得很舒服.. 很安心...
我还是偶然的信息或在MSN里跟你说我的心事.. (就算你也不回复我)
说真的.... 我很想像回以前那样... 紧紧地抱住你.....
我... 真的很需要你....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


我... 和我身边的朋友/同学...
感情说是很好... 但我们的世界和路..
绝对是不一样..... 我的一位好朋友(Panda)
他让我体会到.. 原来我的路是可以走得比他们更好..

如果我和我家人来跟朋友们相比.. 绝对是两个不同世界的人...
他们的路与我很大差别 , 也不适合我...

根本无法让我独立... 我真的不想继续做一只井底之蛙..
我很想真正的看看外面的世界... 和各种社会的人..

Monday, February 14, 2011


I wish I'm able to celebrate with you..
I know it is impossible for both me and you too.....
You just wont accept a P anymore no matter what..
But I do love you so much...
I will love u quietly...
All I wish is just want you to be happy...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

You never owe me

We're friend now...
It's okay even you're not going to be my lover anymore...
I really don't mind.. I just wish you will be happy...
Now you said you owe me too much...
I didn't even think you owe me or you have to repay me..
and you say you will repay me everything you owe me...
Your words hurt me deeply....
You know I'm still loving u this deep.. how can you keep cruel to me... ><

All the reason I do was just because I love you deeply too much...
I have no idea the thing I doing is right or wrong..
All I know... love is love...
there is no wrong for loving a people.... and sacrifice for love..

If you really want to repay me.. THEN BE BACK MY LOVER!!
sigh~ I know it's impossible....

I've done a lot of things for you..
Just because..
I love you...... HF..

Saturday, February 12, 2011


以前对你不好... 所以才会搞成这样的地步......

Thursday, February 10, 2011


因为我知道你就是我的真爱.. 我的一切....

而且.. 都怪我自己不好.... 以前都是我自己拿来衰..
我真的很后悔... 我真的知错了.....
说实话.... 我也为你改了不少...
自从跟你分手后... 我的人真的反省了不少...
让我体会到你的感情... 还有我的过错...

我答应你... 我会非常非常努力的对你更加好....
原因.. 都是我太爱你了...
所以不想放弃你... 你是我的所有...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011





-他会给你一个甜蜜的称呼,只属于他一个人喊的称呼 ,即使你有时不喜欢,但这也是爱你的一种!



















HF.... 我相信..... 我们在一起的时候...我也有做过以上大部分的东西吧.....
当我看了这个note... 第一时间.. 就让我想起了我们在一起的时候....
而且...我也傻笑了... ^^

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


真正爱一个人... 它不一定要是男或女...
就如同性恋... 总是被歧视..
男同性,女同性.... 也是人啊...
只是性方向不一样... 不代表没有开花结果....
爱就是爱... 爱一个自己爱的人.. 是没有错的!!
而且也对得起自己的良心... 更不需要向别人交待....
不需要更复杂的理由去解释.. 因为爱就是爱...

请按以下的link =)

Sunday, February 6, 2011


你终于理会我了... ><
我们做朋友也无所谓... 我真的不敢对你再要求多多了...
我真的很害怕会又再次的失去跟你联络~ T ___T

我真的会对你更好... 而且我也知错了... 我真的怕了..

Thursday, February 3, 2011


过了几天后... 你就说你很爱我了...




一时一样...而且我不是你的玩具!! 请别一次又一次的玩弄我!!!
每次我都对你那么认真... 可你却一次又一次的戏弄我...
如果你没打算跟我发展下去的话.. 我真的很不希望你会浪费我们的时间...
而且如果你是爱你的KC 或什么 Kelvin 的话.. 你滚去一边... 我不是他们的代替品!!!
你不注重爱情.. 但我很注重我的爱情关系!!
所以我努力的把我自己变得更好.... 所以我更需要一个美好的恋爱...


Saturday, January 29, 2011


但事实上我还是很爱你... 根本就不可能那么容易对你没感情..
就是因为当时我的冲动和不好..... 而毁灭了我们之间的关系...
好好的一段感情..... 就那样被我摧毁了...
我真的很难过.... 直到现在... 我还是一样的爱你.....
虽然我已经没什么找你... 但我还有偶尔的打听你的消息....


说真的...如果认真地去想..其实我们是很合配的.... > <

我很希望你可以原谅我... 就算你不打算跟我复合...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

辉哥! 一路好走....

我们都坚持不相信... 大家都对你充满了希望......
直到消息出来了..... 而且还是坏的...
大家也拼命的为你祝福.... 但你还是离开我们这班兄弟和朋友们..

直到昨天... 考完Perdagangan了... 我们就到校外达巴士去“广东义山”
见到你的“照片”..... 大家也上前拜你...
到了现在... 我还是不能接受你离开我们的事实....


我们还玩了Battlefield 和 L4D2...

真接受不到... 我们会想念你的....
也不会忘记你这位朋友...... =')

Saturday, December 4, 2010


What an EXAM!! Its made me more relax....
As I know.. There will be so many people feeling stressed and worried about the SPM..
Everyone afraid will be failed on SPM.. So they studied hard....
But me.. Keeping relax with just a little revision..
Indeed I am worry and afraid of failed my SPM result..
Still I've no idea why am I not curious about it anymore....
Just relaxing all the times...

Yet... BM , BI and Science are really easy..
Maybe can pass? Or maybe can't? =(
I've tried hard with my UPSR and PMR before..
I keep studying , revision and having tuition...
But still the same.. Never get good results..


Anyway.. Wish me all the best by my self!!
Whatever the result it is.. I still have to get my life on.....

Monday, November 22, 2010


明天就SPM了... 我读了那么多天的书... 还是一样进不到脑...
完全搞不懂她它在讲什么.. 反而越读越乱....
唉~ 家里的长辈们都一直很期望我会考好来...
现在脑里都是空空的... 还真是有点害怕......
不管怎样.. 还是努力加油吧!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


跟朋友们有说有笑... 大家也一起拍照...
今天我也看见在食堂的你.. 又跟那班"鸡"在一起...
可能是因为还在爱你的情况之下.. 我才吃干醋和生气吧..
在放学时... 不小心被我看见你唱歌时的那可爱样子..
在出校的路上... 我看见你.. 我站在一边等你的到来...
当你来到过后... 我却问了你能不能做回朋友.. 但你却一直拒绝我....
而我在不受控制的情况下流了眼泪...... 真的非常伤心....
回到家后... 我却很烦恼的想到底我做错了什么..... 是不是我做得不够好呀?


Thursday, November 4, 2010


我就知道我不是在发梦... 我们分开了.......
昨晚... 我跟弟弟一起去夜市... 他说他和他的朋友们BBQ...
但是... 因为前天的事... 我以为你会改变了.....
然后我就用开玩笑的语气问弟弟... 你是不是跟他们一起....

当弟弟带到我去你们那边是.... 竟然被我看见你在跟朋友们玩水玩得那么开心....
我就很生气的走去一边一直看着你.... 等你过来跟我解释....
但是就算你看到我... 你也不要过来....
而且还要玩了很久...... 才肯过来...

我要回答你时.... 你就立刻转身跳回下水......
那一刻我真的非常生气... 和被对你的失望及开头语伤害了我的心......
我就立刻走去弟弟那边坐着.... 而且我哭了.........
你过来了.... 我们吵架了.....
在我一时过火无法控制的时刻....... 我竟然打你的脸了......
打了过后我才反醒.... 打了你後... 我的眼泪在那时也掉了下来...
过后我们又再吵架....... 这次轮到你一直乱打我.... 和给了我一巴掌.....
在那刻.... 我呆了.... 我真的呆了........
过了没多久... 我们就一起走路回去你的家...... 我们谈了那么久...
你还是坚持的要和我分手...... 但是一直拒绝的我.... 说什么也没用....
我也知道.... 就算我说那么多或我再写什么..... 你都不会跟我复合...

那么久以来...我在你的心目中..... 都是比不上你的朋友吗?
充满了希望的我们.... 就这样分开了...
承诺...希望.... 未来...... 就这样什么都没有了.............

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fuck MAD!!!

Just now!! Around 7pm+ something..
I went to SPARK to buy waffle..
And I saw you... with your friends... and the girl I MOST HATE!! That fucking chick!!!
You didn't even tell me that you're going anywhere or do what....
EVEN A MSG!! You also never send me!!!! Or telling me!!!!!!!
It was so Damn surprise!!!!!! TO SEE YOU WITH THAT CHICK AND YOUR FRIENDS!!
Always with the people I don't like!! And do the things which is I HATE YOU TO DO IT!!!!
You keep repeat and repeat the things I hate!!!
Never mind.... You want continue like this then go ahead.... I won't care bout you anymore!!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happiest Birthday I had in my life

Today's my birthday...
And It was my real "Happy" Birthday.. =)
Was having a lot of fun with my girls and my lover...
This year is the 1st time I'm having an important person celebrate with me..
And that's my lover.. Cute Dear =D

I was so damn happy... We're having a lot of fun..
During in the K-Room.. We had "Potato Chips War"!!!
I throw you and you throw me!! LOL.. So damn funny!!
Although its wasting food and making dirty...
But our "Clean Lady" help us clean up the K-Room.. xP
Yet!! They bought cakes for me and we shared it together =)


And after we Sang-K..
We went for shopping
I bought "Maruko" for my lover.. And we ate together.. Enjoyed =P
While we on the way to the bus stop and we see U48 (The bus we wanna ride on)
But 3 of our friends were missing...
We stand there and see the bus pass through us..
After the bus are gone..
Those "missing pets" only came out from the hole... =,=
For chasing the bus.. We went to another bus stop to wait the coming bus..
Yet we success to ride on..

We went to 168 for our dinner!!
And we ordered these......

After dinner and we're having IQ jokes~ Play~ bla bla bla...
Well... Indeed I am having a lot of fun during my Birthday...
The most happy is.. My lover is beside me and celebrate with me as well...
I am glad you are my dear...
Thank You! Dear..
I love you....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

No one understand me....

It's been always alone by my self...
Even I have many friends and family with me....
But the feeling inside me... are yet still lonely....
Because no one can ever understand me...
The things I always do and say....
I did think for them before I say it..
Cause I scare I will hurt them...

My Father....
Ya.. He's a person that you can never imagine!!!
His attitude to me and mom... terrible bad!!!!
What he did is for his own!! But no one can see it...
It's been always... always...
Made mom and I very unhappy of him...
Cause he so like to argue when he's feeling nothing to do......
Those who know nothing about us... They keep complain about both me and my mom...
But my mom don't mind at all......
And I am having a little same as my mom...
It is too kind.. soft heart and easy get cheat...
Sometimes I really feel sad for my mom that she's having such husband!!
But she never regret... She never give up....
Right now.. What my mom doing is all for me... Cause she love me...
And ya.. Mom! I love you too...

And those lovers who I had before......
I always do all the best I can be...
But they don't care or mind at all....
Still... They are having other lover at outside...
It's hurt me deeply into my heart...
They always do something to hurt me....
But they will never admit what have they done.....

Still... When I'm always kind to all the people around me....
While I'm having a bad temper and "dirty words"..
They will say that "So this is the real you huh?"
They always never try to understand me.....
Then only look the bad side I'm having....
They don't even look the good side I'm having.....

Why no one can truly understand me?
I just need someone that can truly understand me.....
I don't wish to having such lonely life anymore...
I just want someone can really good to me and understanding me......

Friday, August 20, 2010

My families..

In my Dad's side family...
Most of them are very good in study...
Good scores and a lot of Grade A.
They are gentle speech and refined behavior..
Good in gaining money as well..

In my Mom's side family....
Most of them are very worst in study..
Low scores and bad Grade..
They are rude and vulgar language..
Not gain much money but a little shining star in their heart...

In my study level... I can tell that I'm just "half water"
Mean worst but not too worst... but still is worst (LOL)
I still can't works in the age right now..
I can't even get a good grade in my exams.....

Still, I'm having SPM on this year...
Duh!! I'm 90% sure that once i failed in my SPM!!
And my dad's side family some of them will "look down" on me...
But my mom's side family most of them will still cheer me up no matter what.... =)

I believe that many people will think that I'm having a bad attitude..
And they will think I'm a bad guy.. Gangster.. Bla this and bla that~
But what they seeing is the only surface..
They will never know the kind that hidden in the very bottom of my heart..
Only my mom's mother(外婆) understand and knowing me much more than the others...

Indeed. My dad side's of my cousins...
Some of them seems really good to me.... (surface)
But I know what are they trying to do on me...
I know it even they're trying to keep in silence...
And so I always told my mom about it... I will never tell my dad...
He will only keep say he's side family damn fucking good!!!
And he will only keep say mom's side family so damn fucking annoying..
Still, he keep say how bad is mom's side family members..
He just keep complaining on my mom's side family...
He didn't even trying to complain about his side's family...
I most remember one things that he said to me and mom...
"Of course my side's family most good la!!
All original things!! Not private!! Mom's side family leh?
Always the things that don't want to use anymore
then give it to us.. even give us...
It's also cheap things and private!!"

Hey dad!! How the hell that you can say something like this!!
Do you know what will mom feel if you say so?
Yes!! I admit that your side's family are very rich indeed!!
But don't forget those things are theirs!! Not yours!!
You are even different from em' all!!
You are not as rich as them!!! You are even worst than em'!!
You are much more rude than they all!!
You are a fucking bad husband to mom and you was a failure dad!!!!
You don't even taking good balance for both side family!!
Your selfishness make both me and mom unlike you!!
But you are damn lucky!! Because of my mom too kind..
That's why she will still be good to you no matter what..

Dad!! Try and use your fucking brain to think!!!
You are having a son and a good pretty kind wife...
You don't have to x at the outside (private case)
I act like nothing doesn't mean I don't know what you did at the outside!!!

Tsk... Anyhow..... I will only caring my SPM results right now...
Hardworking on it... even if I'm getting low scores and Grade....
I won't care how they "looking down" on me!!
Live my own way!! My target is just to take care of my mom and my lover in my life!!!
That's all!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The "taste" in our relationship

We together almost 5 months.
We tried sour,sweet,bitter,salt and spicy life in our relationship..
We also go through a lot of life experience.
We have been cried.. laugh.. angry.. sad and jealous.. to each other...

There is a part of memory I will never be forgotten.
It is about them... Christian.. (Cause of my lover are christian)
It's about their rules..
Because there is one of their rules... I am not able to be with my lover...
And they keep trying to tier us off. How cruel are they...
You guys keep said that we can't be together is because this is a rule of christian that sign by god.
Then the hell I am going to tell you right now!
Love mean Love. God will never tier off a part of true lovely couple.
And yet!! We are not doing bad things!!
So stop tier us a part... It's meaningless for you all..

You always follow your own way to do your things.
You will with friends and leave me alone.
Cause you said "I am still able to be live even I am without you" (Hurt when heard this)
My friend (Panda)..
He told me not to be so caring about you...
Have to put off you too... And try letting you to do whatever you want to do..
I will only get hurt if I too caring about you..
So..... I follow his way to treat you..
It's work well a lot..

The every time I seek sweet and salt for us...
But the every time you take sour and spicy in to our relationship...
Indeed. I will be very angry when you are doing spicy for me..
So I will sit down and think properly in my heart......
The 1st things it come out... Its telling me "The important that you are happy".

Sweetheart... I will still keep trying to be the greatest husband in your life... I swear.
And I will be the one most take care of you in your life too..

Monday, August 2, 2010

Horrible moment in School

This is the worst case ever in my school's life.
I never imagine that such things will happen in our school.
Even me, I'm also get frightened. Maybe I was as timid as a mouse.

So,the story start like this.....
Today,while all the students are in the assembly during the singing "Wilayah Persekutuan"
All of the Form 3 girl shout in a sudden.
Because one of them were suddenly seems like crazy and she's out of control.
And don't know why are she sitting down on the floor.

Then our school's assistant go on the stage and told us faster get back into our classrooms.
We all go back to our own classes and have to move faster.
After go up floor.. and reach our class..
We stand outside the corner and look down the assembly..
We saw one of our teacher ..
We can't see properly...
As we can see.. She seems like she is crying and so sad...
Many teachers surround her and keep cheer her up..
Meanwhile, She fainted... (Hope she will be okay now)

We heard many class also having girls screaming...
And we are very sure it's about that "thing" again...
At that moment I was very afraid...
I keep stick with my friends.. and keep hugging my bag.....
Teacher ask all of us to go down hall..
After went to the hall....
We separate for 2 lines.. 1 line for muslim students.. and 1 line for non-muslim students..

After 10 or 15 minutes something...
Teacher allow us(non-muslim) to go back home...

It's really a such horrible moment / day in our school...
Maybe I can't write well here...
But it is true that damn scary when it's happening in the reality..

Saturday, July 17, 2010


(所谓好马不吃回头草) But you are still doing it
但我已经改变着了,而且我比以前更好了 (About YF)
你要怎样。。。我都尊重你的指示。。。(Depends on situation)


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


我从2pm等到你5pm+。。。。。 足足的等了你两个小时多。。。。
I've been wait for you this long times but you.....
Duh!! It's enough now... I don't want to say it anymore...
It will only make us argue if I'm still say this much..

Tuesday, July 6, 2010







我说这些并不代表我要"talk high bout my self"